Thursday 11 September 2008

12 weeks

Its been quite a tough couple of weeks as the Battle of the Sofa has been raging and Roxy has an unfortunate obsession with a couple of Bella's favourite toys. Roxy's ears are flopping about all over the place, her left ear is almost there, it is upright but a bit limp, and the right has moved forward a bit, but she still looks a rather bedraggled. The vet has told us that she has her doubts that the right ear will go up alone, but we have read that they can take a few months so we haven't given up yet. We are now concentrating on lead training, and are encouraged that she has now stopped chewing on the lead at least! There is now a lovely golden ring around Roxy's neck and her other pale bits are starting to show through. And judging by the amount of black fluff I have hoovered lately, her grown up fur must be on its way. Puppyhood is certainly full of challenges and I am trying to focus on Kate's lovely dog Misty and thinking that one day we will have one of those too!

Monday 1 September 2008

10 weeks old

Roxy turned 10 weeks old last friday and has grown so much. Her ears have finally started to go up, the left is almost there now. We have been working hard at getting her to take treats gently and we have started introducing the lead ready for when she can go out for walks after her jabs. Sit & Down training are going so well, Come and Heel slightly lagging behand but we'll get there!

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Training begins

Well Roxy has settled in really well so far and we decided to try some training. It took her only a few hours to master 'sit' which we were thrilled about!

Today Kate came over to help us with 'off' and 'take it' training, and we didn't have quite so much success there. Roxy was so excited about the chicken treats that she almost took Kate's fingers off! Kate said she will come back every day this week to try and get it right. What a bad pupil! We've had lots of fun though playing with some friends in the garden, and she has had her collar on all day today! Maybe tomorrow the training will be better...

Monday 25 August 2008

Roxy comes home!

We have been fantasically lucky having found Kate who lives across the road with a litter of gorgeous German Shepherd puppies at exactly the moment we decided to have a dog! It has meant that we have had loads of opportunities to bring Roxy to our house to 'play' and has made the transition to her moving here so much easier.
Roxy came home on Wednesday 20th August and it all went very well! After 2 nights with me on the sofa she is now settled in her crate at night on her own. Josh & Bella are getting confident at handling her and even Frankie the cat is coping (although I wouldn't describe her as 'happy'!) Thank you Kate for all your help and support (and the idea for this blog), I'm sure we won't bug you too much!

Early Days with Mum and the litter

Here is mum Shoula with the litter when they are only a few days old.

Roxy at only 17 days old, so teeny!